Hello lovers and friends,
This newsletter is long overdue, in the sense that I wrote all of these pieces months ago, but was feeling shy and didn’t want to put them out into the world. I’m currently on a train from Rome to Florence and have decided that there’s no time like the present to wax rhapsodic about the food in Washington, D.C. (Go figure.)
First up: Pearl’s Bagels. For the record, I wrote this short piece before I started working at the store itself, but it should be an even better indication of how wonderful Pearl’s is that I wanted to start working there after reviewing the food. Huge shoutout to my lovely friend Sophie for turning me on to Pearl’s in the first place, and for getting me a job there. Read about the best bagels in DC here.
Next, I wrote about Coin des Poètes, my favorite cafe, the week after they opened. Now, of course, they’ve been open for a while; but I like to imagine that the piece is still relevant. Their food and coffee do not taste good. Read about why you should visit anyway here.
The third entry for this newsletter is one about Dan’s Cafe, a dive bar on AdMo’s 18th St NW. This is the only dive bar I’ve encountered in DC. Read my grumpy account of why it’s not different from any other bar in the District here.
I’m likely going to write a few reviews of Roman restaurants while I’m in the ol’ eternal city, so prepare yourselves for that missive. Until then, be well!